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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Pinnacle of Glory Award & Carnatic Idol Concert

Pinnacle of Glory Award This was awarded to me yesterday by Lions Club of Saligrammam 326 - A6 in Chennai during a funtion held at Hotel Sabari Inn. This was the same evening after i participated in the finals of the Carnatic Idol 2007 competition held on the 10th Novemebr, 2007 and take this as a positive sign.

Carnatic Idol 2007

It was indeed a good day on the 10th November'07 as i was one of the five finalists for the Carnatica Idol, 2007 competition held at Narada Gana Sabha, Chennai. The quality of competition was of high standards with giant Musicians like Sri Ramani sir, Sri T.N. Krishnan sir, Sri A.K. Palanivel sir, Sri Bakthavatchalam sir, Sri Guruvayoor Durai sir and Sri Neyveli Santhanagopalan sir asking question to us - the participants.

They were so nice in just not trying to bring us down any time but made us feel good with questions which was not only useful for us to know but for also others to learn. Their approach was very good and made every participant feel at ease, at least that is what i felt.

It was indeed a new experience for me and to my knowledge i ahve doen my best playing alapana for Kambodhi ragama nd also swaram for Odi Baraiya - Bharavi. When asked if i knew to perform a krithi in Varali i replied in the negative and they gave me the choice of Bhairavi. The results will be known probably in two days and i hope for the best.