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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A great Saturday 11th June, 2011

I was informed by Sri JJ Prasad & Mr Alex of Nickelodeon channel that they would like to shoot me for a programme in their channel to be broadcast ( i shall let you all know for sure!) and had to be ready by 830 am at my aunt's house in Besant nagar. Unfortubnately they had gone out of station and myself and my father went little early and waited for the crew. We did not know the power cut in that area was from 9 - 10 am and as the crew came up they had to claim 3 stories! Thanks to my Principal who had spoken good things only to the team when they went on Friday and my classmates were so thrilled to see a TV crew coming to the class to take some bytes!! Well this is a new class and many of them were new friends and it was a real surprise and nice feeling for me too!!!

As soon as the crew was ready we got call from my aunt saying that almost every one in the block apart from the security & caretaker had called her to inform that some one was using their premises! I was so happy to know that our society is indeed vigil / alert and was also happy to understand how good my aunt had been for so many of them to really take it up to call her on this!! 

my mom, Sri DSP and Murugan uncle PA to DSP Sir.
As we were doing the shoot i got a call from my mother informing that DSP - Devi Sri Prasad, a leading Music Director had accepted to  say words about me and asked us to come to his house as early as possible. It was indeed a real surprise to me and when we went to his house he received us like a nice friend and was shocked to she his humility! What a great person he is and was so nice of him to have shown this gesture of talking about me in the channel! I do not want to go further on this as i thought it will be nice if you all can see the programme! I shall try and put the full thoughts of his impressions after the broadcast! thanks to Murugan uncle and his son Mani anna who were coordinating this meet. 

the crew Mr JJ Prasad, Mr Alex and Mr Soloman
This Day i learnt our Society is Vigil / alert and also learnt and pledged to be as humble as possible with the meeting i had with  DSP Sri. Devi Sri Prasad